Saturday 12 November 2016

Income tax rules on disclosure

One senior CA from Bombay gave his opinion - thought it will be helpful for all.

No penalty on high denominations notes deposited into bank if such amount is declared in return of income by paying appropriate tax:

Generally I refrain from expressing any professional opinion on Facebook.  However, in view of prevalent panic created by certain media over imposition of penalty on unaccounted cash of high denominations that are deposited into bank, I give my professional opinion as under.

If unaccounted cash or black money are deposited into bank and appropriate tax (maximum 30% plus surcharge) is paid on this additional income, no penalty for under reporting or misreporting can be imposed by assessing officer u/s 270A of Income tax Act, which has been newly introduced from current year.  Even, tax payer is not required to substantiate source of income and income can be declared without disclosing head of income. This is because penalty for concealment can be levied only on difference between assessed income and returned income. This view is based on bare reading of section 270A itself. So penalty of 200% under no circumstances can be levied on such income disclosed in return of current year.  With due respect, I have to say that The news paper headlines that  '200% penalty on unaccounted cash deposits of over ₹ 10 lakh' published in today's Time of India and other media are misleading.

I therefore advise not to sell the notes at discounted prices or deposit the cash into bank accounts of other benami persons in fear of penalty. Further, do not claim any bogus expenses or bogus loss to gain more trouble. Do not manipulate accounts by creating bogus cash on hand. Be good citizen and pay tax honestly to buy peace by building capital. This disclosure by paying tax at maximum of 30% will be advantageous compared to IDS where rate of tax was 45%.

Thursday 10 November 2016

घरेलू उपयोग की टिप्स

कुछ उपयोगी घरेलू टिप्स
1. जूते यदि पालिश से साफ नहीं हो रहे हों तो पेट्रोल लगाकर साफ कर लें। जूते चमक उठेंगे।
2. गंदे कपड़ों को उबले हुए आलू के पानी से साफ करें। कपड़े बिल्कुल साफ हो जायेंगे।
3. फिल्टर काफी बनाने के बाद बचे हुए मिश्रण से बाथरूम का फर्श धोएं। फर्श चमक उठेगा।
4. जल जाने पर जले जाने पर जले हुए स्थान पर केला मसलकर लगा लें। फफोले नहीं बनेंगे।
5. कपड़ों या बर्तनों से स्टीकर अथवा लेबल के निशान हटाने के लिये उसे सफेद स्पिरिट से साफ करें।
6. जिस स्थान से चीटियां ज्यादा निकलती हों, वहां हल्दी तथा बोरिक पाउडर मिलाकर छिड़क दें। चीटियां नहीं आएंगी।
7. मच्छर ज्यादा हो गए हों तो तवे या फ्राइंग पैन में थोड़ा साकाफी पाउडर डालकर भून दें और इसका धुआं कमरे में कर दें।

Compiled by Dr Hitesh Karia.

निंबु के चमत्कारिक फायदे

नींबू के फायदे 1-10
1. शुद्ध शहद में नींबू की शिकंजी पीने से मोटापा दूर होता है.
2. नींबू के सेवन से सूखा रोग दूर होता है.
3. नींबू का रस एवं शहद एक-एक तोला लेने से दमा में आराम मिलता है.
4. नींबू का छिलका पीसकर उसका लेप माथे पर लगाने से माइग्रेन ठीक होता है.
5. नींबू में पिसी काली मिर्च छिड़क कर जरा सा गर्म करके चूसने से मलेरिया ज्वर में आराम मिलता है.

6. नींबू के रस में नमक मिलाकर नहाने से त्वचा का रंग निखरता है और सौंदर्य बढ़ता है.
7. नौसादर को नींबू के रस में पीसकर लगाने से दाद ठीक होता है
8. नींबू के बीज को पीसकर लगाने से गंजापन दूर होता है.
9. बहरापन हो तो नींबू के रस में दालचीनी का तेल मिलाकर डालें.
10. आधा कप गाजर के रस में नींबू निचोड़कर पिएं, रक्त की कमी दूर होगी.

Compiled by Dr. Hitesh Karia.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Financial planning tips

Fundamental of Financial planning.

1. 30% of your income must be used for monthly living expenses.

2. 30% of your income must be used for Liabilities repayments

3. 30% of your income must be SAVED for your future LIVING.

4. 10% of your income must be spared for entertainments, vacations………..

5. 6 month monthly income must be available for emergency fund  {LIQUID FUND },  it can be CASH or cashable investments

6. Must save one year Bank RD

7. Must save 5 years postal RD

8. Must have 15 years PPF [ after you can extend for number of 5 years durations]

9. MF and Shares must be invested with surplus money only with regular watch. [must redeem the profits  out after minimum 40 to 50%]

10. Home loan must be registered and apply  on both husband and wife name. {Both can get benefits on Home loan Tax benefits}

11. FD and PO-MIS is also very good investments for short term.

12. Buying second house for investment is not advisable  [Survey reports - it will fetch you only around 3% return]

13. After age 45 years not supposed to enter into any BIG LIABILITIES [Higher education of children and wedding of children will happen around 45 to 50 only]

14. Joint account is compulsory @ Bank savings account.

15. Property must be registered on both Husband and wife name. [As per legal act – after husband first legal heir is wife, after wife it will go to children only]

16. Regular check on Nominations at all financial instruments

17. Only in insurance policy,  Claims payable to Nominee.  In other financial instruments legal heirs certificate is must to get back the settlement

18. 2 months salary must be parked on LIFE INSURANCE POLICY [it’s a universal thumb rule on insurance]

19. Don’t take any financial investment decisions  emotionally

20. MEDICLAIM is must [ in spite of Group mediclaim coverage given at office [After retirement there is no mediclaim coverage. After 50 years its very tough to enter into mediclaim]

21. For your jewelery LOCKER, Only one lakh is payable by bank in case of theft or fire at bank, Provided insurance done.

22. Government guarantees only one lakh for your FD. [Fixed deposits with Banks upto Rs. 1 lakh only are backed by deposit insurance]

23. Must know all tax implications. You cannot avoid paying tax. But you can minimize liability by way of investments.

24. All financial documents must be kept safely.

25. Financial investments must be followed through personal financial advisor.

26. Review your financial portfolio every year.